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Case Study: Representing the World

Writer's picture: Jevgenija NevarJevgenija Nevar

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

The representation of Teens in late 80s movies

The movies are the main way of representation of specific groups and subcultures. Movies are able to represent any particular characters visually, going into depth of their appearance, clothing and setting around them, as well as narrative showing their story, inside world and mindset. Through a variety of convections, movies were presenting teens in a diverse and personal way, trying to affect and influence a bigger audience within this group.

The movie “Breakfast Club '' is considered as the most popular representation of the teenagers and their outer and inner conflicts. The movie represents five different characters with drastically polar personal features: bully, nerd, fashionista, athlete, outcast. All of them are considered extremely stereotypical and straightforward. However due to separation of these features, authors were able to show several conflicts in character lifes and among them. The varied depictions are allowed to show the distinction of behaviors, perceptions and attitudes. However, the main theme of the movie is to show that besides different impressions all characters have much more similarities. Due to this, the whole group of teenagers presents the life of youngsters as a whole, showing the common issues and experiences. Therefore it is hard to associate with only one teenagers in a whole story, every character presents one common struggle: misunderstanding and rejection of parents and adults, or one particular challenge, which every young viewer can relate: the expulsion and pressure of stereotypes, the difficulty of learning, sympathy and love.

Personally, I clearly see representation of myself in this movie. The main conflict between parents and children is accurate and presented very sympathetically to the viewer showing the core and irony of the issue. Moreover I can relate to majority of traits of characters: the romantic sympathy, the dissociation, the desire to stand out. In terms of creation I think this peace of media was created by a person who had a problems in early life which are represented in a movie. In other words, author put his experience into the plot allowing to a movie being very plauiuble and emotionally reciprocal. The director of a movie is John Hughes the author of several movies related to teenagers topics like love and school. The main profile of the Hughes are comic essay, therefore it is easy for him to appeal to an audience in a easy and relaxed approach, which is very fits to a teenagers filed of interests. In overall, Hughes could reflect his personal life in a movies he makes, as everyone is a teenager in past, he definiatlley knows the all struggles of this age.

The “Dead Poets Club '' presents another issue of teenegers being locked in conservative and strict conditions. The freedom of choice, expressions, feelings, and dreams- was the main aspect of the needs of presented teenagers. All characters were presented as a whole great mass at the beginning, but through plot evolving each character showed their emotional pains, struggles, and their own desire to contribute, to make changes, to be able express their voice and rebel in favor of simple but sincere dreams. The characters are represented differently but with the same sincere approach, all of them are emotionally elaborated, they are shown as passionate, almost grown up kids with genuine and heartfelt dreams. They are emotional and very touchable, and this is coordinated with representation of teenagers. In overall everyone could find a reflection of themselves in every character because all of them are individually represented, however I think that Todd Anderson os contributes mostly. The reason is the character was shown much more closely to the viewer therefore it is easy to have associations with him. Todd was a main leader of the teenager and a main inspirational model, which could be considered as a desirable role model for every teenager.

I adore this movie a lot because it shows that hidden and inmost desire of creativity and reverie, that little piece of childhood which is still alive in the soul. I easily associating with myself of presented characters because all of them are stubborn and emotional as I am. First of all the movie is a good drama, which shows highly emotional situations and conflicts causing strong feelings and reaction. Worth noting that the basic core idea of the movie was keeping the freedom of tough and creativity, so most likely author wanted to represent his own personal values and struggles with guarding them in a young age. Peter Weir is director of a movies having a strong dramatic appealing. His works are going deep into viewers hearts and revealing very touching topics. In his collection of dramatic works the teen drama about misunderstanding children fits very well. It is easily to suggest that part of personal experiences of characters author could take from his teen ages. I think the "ideal teacher" which altho r represented in a movie is possible to consider as that dream and desirable supportive person be near during those young emotional times. In short terms, I think, Weir enlivened the desire of himself and majority of teenagers in his movie.

“Heathers” is another movie which touches topics like expulsion, social pressure, desire to rebel, love and relationship. Even considering the fact that main characters conducted criminal actions such as killing kids in their school, they are a great representation of the teens and their problems. First of all Veronica is a simple girl desiring some special attention. Her relationships with J.D are passionate, however abusive. This movie elevates the issue of bad affection and pressure to do something against will. Therefore Veronica appears as a main representation of teens as a young girl desiring some power, desire to change the world around her, need of love and availability to express her passion. She is emotional and easily acting, she has an illusion that she is independent, however she is scared of punishment. Overall, “Heathers” is a great illustration of the headlong and rebellious teens.

I liked the "Heathers" movie because of teenagers representation in it. The brightness of emotions and desores are not hidden in this piece. I can easily relate to the main character of a movie because she, as me, experiencing the full furry of feelings which leads her to a reckless and incorrigible afterbirths. In reality it hard and morally incorrect to confess about intrusive and cruel thoughts in your mind caused by overwhelming circumstances and and bunch of experiences in your youngsters age. The "Heather" is a great illustration of uncontriuable and unattended young daredevils, which teenagers are not desired and morally able to be. This is why I think this movie is iconic and attractive for viewers after many years.

Michael Lehman "Heather's" is the most popular work, however some of his filmography are comedies and light dramas. The "Heather" is a dark comedy which could be considered as a risky experiment, thought successful. The "Heathers" mostly dint have a goal to represent the drama of the teenager years, as most of the actions are not reflective to the reality. However, authors believes and views, as well as life experience could affect on the movie creation.

To wrap up, movies are presenting diverse ideas and concepts of the plots toward youngsters. Nevertheless, the idea of rebels and desire to be herald and noticed are going through the majority of movies. The stereotypical teenagers always will appear on screens: unaccepted and misunderstood children who want to go against social rules. This role model is quite illustrative and is very supportive for every teenager. Thanks to numerous movies, current generations of teens are able to find support and sustain in the media world.

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