My option for a final project is the Music Promotion package, where I am ready to investigate the music video production nuances, the skills of creating promotable social pages and design of the digipak. I am mostly interested in this choice because it involves more work with digital design in which I am mostly interested.
Overall I want to work with aesthetics and implied concepts in my project. I want to play around and experiment with techniques. Mostly I am interested to involve mixed media techniques. I would like to consider my Music Video project as an accompanying visual pleasing element to a music or a song. The music which I will use will be something in between ambience, techno and rock. I have no purpose to work with the story behind my music video, therefore, I will not really focus on lyrics in my chosen music.
For my video I want to make mixed media pieces including stop motion video interconnecting different types of shots, with overpainted details, collages, and etc. For my digipak I want to style the album cover and disc in the same mixed media style as my video. In my social media page I would like to post some pictures related to the video creation process, as well as posters and possible concerts’ “announcements”.
The possible inspiration sources are: